Disentachment has been compiled using WebSOS (Web Simulated Operating System).
WebSOS is an integration tool built around Disentachment's pre-existing UDS.

Liberties have been taken with the collation and assembly of encephaloscopic UDS (dataset TBD) for ease of use.
(See Help.tbi // Overview)


With only one path forward.



WebSOS Nomenclature

The "additional button" ("")
displays additional features.

The "hide button" ("")
hides the window.

CCT = Central Connection Terminal
TBI = Text Box Index
Else = Standard

NOTE: User placement is cached locally onto this device.

"Bookmarking" is the registration of a CCT screen ID.
Enter the passcode "what" into the terminal of a CCT screen to print a unique screen ID.

After recompiling the CCT or creating a fresh instance of WebSOS, input the ID into the terminal on the first screen labelled 'Disentachment'.
The CCT will now display the screen related to the ID.
